I earned my Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of North Texas in 1986. I continued in this field for the next nine years as a case-manager for adults with acquired brain trauma, assisting them transition from rehabilitation back into their everyday lives.
Brain trauma rehabilitation was a gateway to my understanding what I truly wanted to do. In 1995, I become a Licensed Massage Therapist. I quickly realized my desire to continue to specialize my education and began to study Craniosacral Therapy, initially studying with the Upledger Institute.
In 1999, a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and told that she would develop lymphedema due to the large number of node excisions. To learn ways to assist my friend, I expanded my treatment repertoire by studying Lymphatic Drainage Therapy training with Dr. Bruno Chikly. Post-surgery, I was able to use lymphatic techniques and assist her body to efficiently re-route lymph flow patterns. After my initial training, I continued to study with Dr. Chikly in his advanced lymphatic curriculum.
Also in 1999, I began working with pediatric craniosacral clients. In recognition of my work in this domain, I am honored to have received the Austin Mother Friendly Birth Award as Best Infant Therapist in its first two years of existence.
In my practice, I attempt to integrate the various formal trainings and what I have learned from my clients. I remain dedicated to continually participating in advanced education, thereby staying in touch with the Mystery that keeps my work fresh and on the leading edge of holistic thought.
I have a desire to work with people who want to learn and grow. People who realize that we get out of treatments what we are open to; people who are ready to ask for openings to this growth.
2013 Best Craniosacral Therapist
My dear friends,
Thank you for the high compliment: Winner of the 2013 Austin Birth Awards “Best Craniosacral Therapist” category. It continues to be an honor and a privilege for me to serve the Austin Birthing Community. Thank you so very much!
Awards and Accolades
Fractals & Craniosacral WorkFractal Art by Judy Haas
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. –Albert Einstein
My first exposure to Fractals was watching a video of a Mandelbrot set (embedded below). As each image magnified a new exact image would unfold. Without fail, a repeating Mandelbrot fractal kept emerging with each new order of magnitude, repeating over and over again. This “going within” motion expressed in fractal geometry was a revelatory moment for me. I realized this had profound relevance to the work I do, and at that time wasn’t sure exactly how and why.
Using the concept of fractals offers me the possibility of portals into the body. As I palpate, or listen to the body with my hands, I experience an emerging vastness and complexity that is challenging to explain in words. Fractals reveal the hidden complexity that on the surface appears to be one-dimensional. Below the surface, I find the mystery of micro-movements and micro-rhythms expressing themselves in my clients.
The hidden complexity of fractals has informed my sense of touch. Examination of fractals provides me with a deeper sense of reverence and helps me understand the often unnoticed complex strategies employed by a body in order to accommodate life events.